Behavior Changes
- Added support for advanced Cookie Consent options [in: XF >= 2.2.12]
- Improved speed by caching file existence and extended class names
- Use traits for version-specific class extensions [in: XF >= 2.0]
Bug Fixes
- Unnecessary upgrade steps after upgrade to XenForo 2.2+ [in: XF >= 2.2]
- Database error in mass management search w/ MariaDB >= 5.6 [lite: no]
- Image icon URLs returning non-title-case headers are rejected [since: 4.0.1]
- Image icon URLs pointing to same hostname may be rejected [since: 4.0.6]
- Quotation marks stripped from QUOTEd non-wiki content [in: XF >= 2.0]
- QUOTEs of index comments insert as blank
- Undefined property saving changes to Special pages [since: 4.1.6]
- Undefined array key rendering VAR-FULLURL [lite: no]
- Possible to rollback to less-qualified prefix after more-qualified prefix created [lite: no]
- Autolinks not recorded in link tracker [lite: no]
- Special:MostLinkedPages link count doesn't link to Special:WhatLinksHere [lite: no]
- Unable to edit custom field phrases from custom field admin panel [in: XF >= 2.1] [since: 4.1.0 RC 1] [lite: no]
- Missing disambiguation-related phrases in some widgets [lite: no]
- Selection w/ no text in empty wiki chooser custom field [in: XF >= 2.1] [since: 4.1.0 RC 1] [lite: no]
- Wiki chooser custom field drop-down missing [in: XF >= 2.1] [since: 4.1.1] [lite: no]
Style Tweaks
- Missing { in widget position descriptions [in: XF >= 2.0] [since: 4.1.0 Alpha 1]
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