Directory Guidelines Printable Version

This page has been seen 158,712 times.

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When creating a new listing for your web site in our Site Directory, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines.


The Title of the entry should be the title of your web site.


Please copy and paste the following snippet into the body of your entry:
[template]Site Listing
| url=
| wiki-url=
| desc=
| wiki-desc=
| platform=
| series=
| established=
| wiki-since=

Fill in the values as follows:
  • url= Set this to the full URL to your main web site.
  • wiki-url= Set this to the full URL to your VaultWiki installation.
  • desc= Using 2-3 sentences, briefly describe the purpose of your web site, what topics are covered, etc.
  • wiki-desc= Using 2-3 sentences, briefly describe how you've incorporated VaultWiki into your web site. What specific function is it providing? If you've done anything particularly creative, feel free to brag about it.
  • platform= Choose one of the following: vBulletin 3, vBulletin 4, XenForo
  • series= This should correspond to your VaultWiki version. Choose one of the following: 3.x, 4.x
  • established= What year did you first open your web site?
  • wiki-since= What year did you start using VaultWiki on your web site?
You should not need to add any additional information. When you submit, the script will automatically take a screenshot of your wiki and include it in the post.

Acceptable Sites

Any sites currently using VaultWiki are acceptable. If your site qualifies as NSFW, a moderator will tag it so that users are not caught off-guard. However, it's still best to be open about your subject matter and target audience in the description fields.