We decided to release 4 new features early that were originally slated to be included in 2.1.0. These features are: the Wiki Code Manager, even more improved Forum Marking, Admin Help topics, and CSS that matches default vBulletin's style.
A new version of Categories has also been released, to reflect the changes in VaultWiki since its initial release (some of which Categories necessitated).
Most importantly, we have changed the way the install/upgrades take place, in an attempt to improve performance in this area and also support upgrading from our new Lite version. The Lite version is available to non-paying users who aren't sure if VaultWiki is for them, and thus it basically has no features. It is available at http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=189446.
We have also launched a public sandbox at [sandbox removed due to licensing issues], where prospective customers can try out the front-end of the software. AdminCP screenshots have been posted in this thread: https://www.vaultwiki.org/showthread.php?t=1508