Upgrade Warning
Please note, if you are upgrading from previous versions of VaultWiki 4, you may have to modify your vault/config.php file or the Lite version will be automatically activated on your install.After the copyright block in vault/config.php, add the following:
if (!defined('VW_IS_LITE')) define('VW_IS_LITE', false);
VaultWiki Lite
VaultWiki Lite, for those who are unfamiliar, is the free version of VaultWiki that you can download to try out before purchasing a license, or if you want just a very basic wiki. VaultWiki Lite is stripped of many extra features and configuration options, but leaving the most important abilities to post and edit articles and review previous changes.We definitely took our time deciding how to implement this Lite release. Ever since VaultWiki 4 was first released to the public, people have been asking for a try-before-you-buy option. But we made some big mistakes with the Lite version for VaultWiki 3 back in 2010, and we wanted to learn from those mistakes.
Unlike VaultWiki 3 Lite, VaultWiki 4 Lite will be an officially supported and actively developed product. Using the development environment we created in 2011 to test VaultWiki 4 on different platforms, we are now able to make changes to both VaultWiki 4 and VaultWiki Lite simultaneously. This means that VaultWiki Lite is not a code fork from the main product line, but is actually the same product with some modules missing from the download package.
So whenever a bug is fixed in the full version of VaultWiki for paid licensees, that bug is also fixed in VaultWiki Lite. If a new feature is added, and we decide it is okay to also give away for free, we simply give our exporter the okay to include that module in Lite.
There are also hidden options in the full version for customers who are curious how the Lite version differs from theirs, but who don't want to reinstall to have a look.
Link Previews
Another one of the favorite features from VaultWiki 3 is finally back: hover over a wiki link and get a preview of that wiki page.We've gone a few steps further with the feature this time, however. If the link points to a redirect, the preview follows the redirect so that you see a snippet of the final content. Additionally, if either the link itself or the redirect points to a specific section on the target page, the preview will show the content from that section.
File Health Check
VaultWiki 4 now supports your forum software's built-in functionality for checking file integrity. You can see if you have extra files on your installation that don't belong there, and you can see if someone has edited your wiki files without your knowledge.Other Changes
There are several small new features in Gamma 4 including the ability to make the first post when you are starting a new discussion. Previously you would have to start the discussion, save it, go to quick reply, and post your first comment. You can now open the discussion with a first post at the same time.We've made it easier for multiple-language wikis to setup their languages. When you edit the language in the Admin Panel, typing the language code will automatically select the icon it thinks fits best. If you think you have a better idea, you can choose your own icon from a drop-down list. Most common language codes are supported by the automated script.
Release Notes
VaultWiki 4 Gamma 4 should be usable on vBulletin-based and XenForo-based production sites.We maintain the Gamma status due to new features that are added or will be added soon and still require more real-world testing.