• This is a demo site for the purposes of showing and testing VaultWiki in a XenForo environment. If you have real questions or need support, please visit the real VaultWiki web site here: https://www.vaultwiki.org

Search results

  1. Testing the Activity Stream

    This is a test to see if it shows in the Activity Stream
  2. Testing the Activity Stream

    This is a test to see if it shows in the Activity Stream
  3. Testing the Activity Stream

    This is a test to see if it shows in the Activity Stream
  4. TEST A1

    Now is the winter of our discontentMade glorious summer by this sun of York;And all the clouds that lour'd upon our houseIn the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
  5. AusPhotography Library Test

    Some test content
  6. <span class="vw-inline-prefix label label--primary">Book</span><span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span>Test Book

    Test book
  7. AusPhotography Library Test

    Some test content
  8. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2.1 - navigation changes

    No, vB4.2.1 will be released once Mobile 1.4 has signed off the API. vB4.2.1 is ready, subject to Mobile 1.4. The Mobile team is separate from vB4 or vB5, but the vB4 developers are on vB5 until Mobile 1.4 clears the vB4.2.1 API. (Did I just write that? :D ) This is all on vb.com
  9. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2.1 - navigation changes

    The navigation changes a bit in 4.2.1 See http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-15312 and http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-15023 These fix the navigation table URLs, do this before you upgrade after you have backed up. UPDATE `navigation` SET `url` =...
  10. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2 - Alpha1 - Navigation Manager - Activity Stream

    BTW I assume you will wait for vB4.2 Gold before releasing a VaultWiki upgrade kit? As I said, I'd be happy to run VaultWiki (4.2 ready) in my Alpha1 test system
  11. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2 - Alpha1 - Navigation Manager - Activity Stream

    I can live with that :D As long as a consolidated Activity Steam is there (at least as an option) i.e. the vBulletin Activity Steam gets Wiki activity.
  12. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2 - Alpha1 - Navigation Manager - Activity Stream

    https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/401288-vBulletin-4-2-ALPHA-1-available-for-download-%28DO-NOT-UPGRADE-LIVE-PROD-INSTALLS%29?p=2294223#post2294223 vB4.2 is now public Alpha! and I can now talk about it (I'm on the NDA Alpha test team). The navigation is broken as a result. The...
  13. ricktas

    vBulletin 4.2

    Just a heads up... There is a new Navbar Manager in vB4.2 See: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-8393 I'm guessing it may cause some issues in that any Navbar integrations might need to change, so watch out for the public beta.
  14. ricktas


    vB for me :)
  15. ricktas

    vB4.1.4 ? CKeditor WYSIWYG release - discussion

    Thanks for the prompt action on this!! :cool:
  16. ricktas

    vB4.1.4 ? CKeditor WYSIWYG release - discussion

    4.1.4 Gold is out!! Waiting not very patiently :) CKeditor is not bad. If its very difficult I'd be happy with a two stage approach. 1. VaultWiki works with 4.1.4 but locked to plain text edit mode 2. VaultWiki works with 4.1.4 with full CKeditor support Thanks!
  17. ricktas

    vB4.1.4 ? CKeditor WYSIWYG release - discussion

    Looks like vB.com are running 4.1.4 live (RC presumably) ... won't be long now
  18. ricktas

    vB4.1.4 ? CKeditor WYSIWYG release - discussion

    It's here!! vB4.1.4 with CKeditor (Beta 1 release) - yay!!