Thanks, this returns the error:
SSL certificate problem: unable to get issuer certificate
Thanks, this returns the error:
SSL certificate problem: unable to get issuer certificate
I may have fixed it...
In src\addons\vw\vw\_core\controller\cp\index, Alpha 2 build 001 has a *.crt file with three certificate sections. Alpha 1 build 005 only had two. If I remove the second section, leaving the first and third, Version check rolls back into action again with the message "NEW v4.1.0 Alpha 2 Build 002"
I think it's the last section that should be removed, not the second. Since the second section is actually a necessary certificate in the chain, and the last one is extra just in case.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
With the last (third) section removed and not the second, I get a 500 internal server error response trying to view the changelog. Reversing the second and third section seems to work, though. For both cases I deleted the changelog row from vw_log first.
Last edited by ACL; February 22, 2019 at 3:36 AM. Reason: More details added
How do people handle the upgrade?
Upgrade to VW 4.1 alpha on their XF1.5,
upgrade to XF 2.1,
reinstall VW 4.1
Although you are allowed to skip upgrading to 4.1 on XF 1.5, the method you described will yield the best results.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Awesome job with VW 4.1 and the 3 Alphas, thus far. It is something just to have XF2.x support and the XF2 & 2.1 only features are the icing on top.
At this stage of the 4.1 development, is your intention to keep releasing Alpha builds with more requested functionality or is the goal now to progress onto a feature-locked beta stage? Just wondering what the development direction may be in the short term, which could give an indicative idea of when we may begin seeing stable builds (without suggesting or committing to a timeframe or month etc).
This sort of information could provide me some direction for when it would be appropriate to set up a staging site powered by XF2.1. At the moment, VaultWiki 4.1 testing is limited to my own offline development server. My site has a couple of in-house developed features and now that I've basically finished redeveloping them for XenForo 2.1, my public site feels rather stagnant under XenForo 1.5. Very keen to make the leap to XenForo 2.1! Just not with Alpha software.
This forum is crapping out quite often. For example currently part of vbulletin images do not load. Different things happen.
I hope that can upgrade to XF2 in the near future.
@Alfa1 From what I can determine, it seems to be related to whether the wiki is closed or not. Right now the home page says "The wiki is currently closed for maintenance. It will be available again shortly." and when that happens the forum area looks more like the vanilla vBulletin 4 style. I think the issue is certain CSS rules aren't applied to while the wiki is closed.
Last edited by ACL; March 30, 2019 at 8:37 AM. Reason: Fixed typo
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. There were two issues here:
- The normal admin notice that displays in the wiki "Wiki is disabled" was not appearing when a deferred task failed, so I had no idea there was an issue (since admins are immune to maintenance mode).
- CSS injected using VaultWiki's CSS management function vw_Global_View::add_css was not being rendered while the wiki was in maintenance mode in vBulletin.
The first bug is fixed in 4.0.26 and the next build of Alpha 3.
The second bug is fixed in the next release on each branch.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Will be upgraded to XF in after VW4.1 comes out of alpha or beta?
I've performed a test upgrade of Xenforo 1.5 VW 4.0 to VW 4.1 (Alpha 3 build 002) and the upgrade completed to 100% without any errors. The 500 internal server error that I experienced at step 25 of a new VW 4.1 installation did not present itself during this upgrade.
The only slightly weird thing was that the upgrade progress bar showed as 7% before beginning the upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1.
For my main XenForo 2.1 VW testing forum (with the modified *.crt workaround), version check changelog reports that the "installation is already up-to-date", despite there being 1 newer build (003, currently have 002). Is there another method to see all of the changes made in build 003?
For anyone else testing the 4.1 alphas, does version check (admin.php?wiki/) function correctly for you, or do you receive an error saying "SSL certificate problem: unable to get issuer certificate" like I do in the below image?
Thanks for adding XF2.1 bookmarks, pegasus!. It is feeling more and more like the major feature development is nearing the end. Is there much else feature-wise that you want to implement into 4.1 during the alphas, or would it be realistic to think that we may see a beta within the next few version releases (excluding new builds)?
Happy Easter!![]()
The big one I am waiting for is custom fields:
This one would make a massive difference for our wiki.