The demo is running VaultWiki 4.1.0 Alpha 1 which is not compatible with XenForo 2.1. We cannot upgrade the demo to XenForo 2.1 until Alpha 2 is ready for preview. Or there will be fatal errors.
The demo is running VaultWiki 4.1.0 Alpha 1 which is not compatible with XenForo 2.1. We cannot upgrade the demo to XenForo 2.1 until Alpha 2 is ready for preview. Or there will be fatal errors.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Is it correct/true that Alpha2 will be compatible with XF 2.1?
Alpha 2 changelog says:
Code:New Feature: import data into XF 2.x [in: XF >= 2.0] [lite: no] New Feature: VW4 import support for source XF 2.x [lite: no] New Feature: XenForo 2.1 support [in: XF >= 2.0]
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Alpha 2 hype!![]()
Is the intention at the end of the Alpha stage to have VaultWiki be 'XF 2.1 functional' with unchanged features or might some of the new XF2.1 additions make their way in as well? XF2.1 content bookmarks would be a fantastic addition for regular VW pages![]()
Some of the new XF 2.1 features may be added.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Hi pegasus, can you tell when Alpha2 will be released?
We are a few days away.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
The latest version doesn't install on XF 2.1, correct? But the new one will?
Will 4.1 Alpha 2 be a staggered Preview/Public release like Alpha 1? I noticed that Alpha 2 is listed in the issue system as a single item, the same as standard 4.0.x releases
Perhaps you'll get your wish, hollosch. I'm pleasantly surprised to discover the 'Wiki XF' demo is now running XF 2.1.x![]()
The Alpha 2 build 1 download is now public.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Excellent, thank you.
I'll try upgrading Alpha 1 / XF2.0 on my local development server and if all goes well with that then I may do a fresh install of Alpha 2 on an existing XF2.1 instance.![]()
Hi pegasus, for the version check page I'm still getting "Unable to connect to remote server" in 4.1 Alpha 2 (build 001) on XenForo 2.0.x. Since this was marked as fixed in issue 5615 in Alpha 2, just want to confirm that 4.1 Alpha 2 received the updated certificate? Cheers![]()
In src/addons/vw/vw/_core/controller/cp/index/vw.php, find:
Replace with:Code:session_write_close(); $output = curl_exec($vc); curl_close($vc);
Find:Code:curl_setopt($vc, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); session_write_close(); $output = curl_exec($vc); $error = curl_error($vc); curl_close($vc); if ($error) { return array( 'fail' => $error ); }
BEFORE it, add:Code:else if (!empty($output['error']))
Hopefully this will tell us some more information as I don't have a problem connecting myself.Code:else if (!empty($output['fail'])) { throw $this->reply_view('CP/Index', 'check_error', array( 'error' => vw_Hard_Core::model('String')->htmlspecialchars_uni($output['fail']) )); }
- lead developer for VaultWiki