my plan for upgrade my XF1 to XF2 is ready. All my addons are ready to take off...
But what about vaultwiki? @pegasus: Can you tell us when a version for XF2 will be available?
my plan for upgrade my XF1 to XF2 is ready. All my addons are ready to take off...
But what about vaultwiki? @pegasus: Can you tell us when a version for XF2 will be available?
Please check the forum home page on this site, under the heading "VaultWiki 4.1.x Progress", for a live ETA as needed. Currently it is between 5 and 6 weeks.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Ok, thanks
Are there plans to open a VaultWiki.org XF2 + VW demo to aid with testing the upcoming alpha? The advantage over only customer XF2 installs would be direct access to error logs, etc.
It is looking more likely that my public site will not make the XF2 transition until early 2019 (October-December is the site's busiest period annually) and any XF development/testing installations have to be locked down per the XF license agreement.
Best of luck with the continuing 4.1.x development (not that you'll need it!)
5 weeks is a fair estimate at this point. Let me reiterate that it is a calculation based on the expected work still needing to be completed in 4.1.x alone, and the expected amount of time to complete that work. Other issues which may require developer attention, such as new bug reports, releases, or patches in the main-line 4.0.x, may result in the ETA not appearing to reduce at the same rate that time passes.
We will update this site to 4.1.x before releasing it to the public.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Thats pretty good news. On all fronts.
Considering that XenForo 2 default style is butt-ugly, I suggest to slap a pixelexit style on it. As that will allow you to make VW.org much more professional with a few quick tweaks.
I've been using FlatAwesome+ on a test XF2.0 installation and it looks great (IMO). It feels solid and not buggy at all. FlatAwesome+, like Pixel Exit's other paid styles, uses their XenBase framework. It can co-exist alongside the default style.
Specifically for VaultWiki 4.1 Alpha 1 however, I've been experiencing CSS rendering errors in vw_content_list.less and vw_popup.less for supposedly a missing closing bracket ')'. This is only in the PixelExit style (FA+) and not with XenForo's default style. Once VW 4.1 Alpha 2 drops, I plan to retest this and hopefully narrow down what part of the CSS is clashing with FA+ and then submit a bug report.
I am using pixelexit styles on all my sites. Im not using xf2 yet for any site where I also run VW. It would be nice if vaultwiki.org would get updated to XF2.1 and a pixelexit style like flatawesome on it. Pixelexit seems by far the most popular style provider, with themehouse coming second. 2 in 3 sites with custom styles I encounter have a pixelexit style. (mostly flatawesome btw) All pixelexit styles use the same xenbase framework so if VW works well on one style it will work well on all styles.
IMHO VW should work well on xenbase out of the box.
+1, I think having one of PixelExit's styles on the XF2 demo would be helpful to other potential customers and also for bug hunting. Just make it selectable in addition to the default XF style.
When it comes to XF versions though, if the demo site is XF2.0 based then IMO at least you'd have a fair idea that VW would work with both 2.0 and 2.1 hopefully without any major issues. That said, I'm considering upgrading my site from 1.5 straight to 2.1, when the time comes.
Last edited by ACL; January 22, 2019 at 10:47 AM. Reason: removed link
I've added FlatAwesome+ to the demo and identified what was causing your issue with vw_content_list.less:
Code:Fixed Bug: broken CSS when pseudo properties contain % [in: XF >= 2.0]
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Oh, awesome! Thanks for squashing this broken CSS bug so soon.
The % value issue seems so obvious now that you mention it. I just rechecked certain style properties that I suspected could be the origin of the problem and sure enough they do have %'s in them.
Thats awesome!
Could you upgrade the demo to XF2.1?