I have it all feed permissions turned off in permissions but the post new feed button still shows. Where do I turn it off?
I have it all feed permissions turned off in permissions but the post new feed button still shows. Where do I turn it off?
I cannot reproduce the problem - the "Post New Feed" button disappears on my board when I turn off the related permissions.
However, if you don't intend to use feeds (custom lists of wiki articles), then you can disable it entirely in Structures > Content Types.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
That page is confusing. It states that the following content types are active and then has all tickboxes inactive. Should I activate all tickboxes but the feed one or is the description text incorrect?
EDIT: Ah, found it. The text at the top doesnt make sense if there is only an area with active content types. Maybe add an explanation to the text that they can be disabled by using the tickboxes and the button way below the page.