I've been searching on vaultwiki admin control panel and I have no idea how to parse/not parse Vaultwiki's BBcodes on the forum threads. Namely, when I use the table bbcode, the table just disappears altogether.
I've been searching on vaultwiki admin control panel and I have no idea how to parse/not parse Vaultwiki's BBcodes on the forum threads. Namely, when I use the table bbcode, the table just disappears altogether.
Since 4.0.6, the Syntax Manager was merged into vBulletin's custom BB-Codes manager. The setting "Parse BB-Code in non-wiki messages" now appears there under the heading "Wiki-Related Options"
However, if you are trying to use a BB-Code and it is disappearing altogether, then it is probably already parsing or attempting to parse. Usually if a BB-Code is not parsing/doesn't exist, you see all the raw tags for that BB-Code. Instead, there may be an issue with your syntax, which results in the parser being unable to make any sense of it. If it's a VaultWiki BB-Code, please post an example of what you are trying to do, so we can tell you how to correct the syntax, or we can reproduce a bug if there is one.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
As you probably already know, ever since vBulletin got an upgrade, it came with a built-in table bbcode. I basically want to override this built-in one that doesn't allow col/rowspans and other options and use Vaultwiki's. Using the vbulletin's table bbcode works fine and parses correctly:
while vaultwiki's doesn't work and makes it just disappear:Code:[TABLE="width: 500"] [TR] [TD]a[/TD] [TD]c[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]d[/TD] [TD]s[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]f[/TD] [TD]g[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
I checked the table bbcode on the bbcode manager, and the option "Parse BB-Code in non-wiki messages?" was set to No so I checked Yes, but there seems to be a conflict with the built-in one:Code:[table] class="tborder" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" |- | new cell | style="background-color: red" colspan="2" | This cell spans 2 columns. |- align="center" | class="thead" | new cell in new row | row 2 cell 2 | row 2 cell 3 |- [/table]
"There is already a BB code tag named 'table'. You may not create duplicate names."
Although you can get around this on a new installation by changing the tag name from "table" to something else, existing wikis that have already started using it as "table" won't be able to do that.
This is a known bug and it is fixed in the next release. In vault/core/model/plugins/bbcode/vb3.php, find:
Replace with:Code:public function bbcode_fetch_tags($orig_list) { $this->stored_list = $orig_list; }
Code:public function bbcode_fetch_tags(&$orig_list) { $this->stored_list = $orig_list; if (VB_AREA == 'AdminCP' AND strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'bbcode.php') !== false) { $tagger = vw_Hard_Core::model('Tag'); $table = $tagger->get_tag_name('vw_table_tag'); $heading = $tagger->get_tag_name('vw_section_tag'); $rule = $tagger->get_tag_name('vw_horizrule_tag'); if ($table == 'table') { unset($orig_list['no_option']['table']); } if ($heading == 'h') { unset($orig_list['option']['h']); } if ($rule == 'hr') { unset($orig_list['no_option']['hr']); } } }
- lead developer for VaultWiki
There seems to be another problem; changing options on Wiki-Related Options under this BBcode seems to not be saved.
These are the default options. Changing any of them and saving simply reverts them back to this default. I wanted to keep the table BBcode of vBulletin if I could help it so I changed the Vaultwiki's table bbcode to [tbl] instead, I'm not sure if that's the cause or not, however. I have not applied the fix that you suggested due to changing it to tbl.
I see a log entry for 4.0.8:
You might try disabling gzip encoding: Settings > Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > GZIP HTML Output = No.Fixed Bug: bb-code options save off with gzip encoding in vB
Also, the white-list field will not work in vBulletin until the full fix for the above is published.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Alright that works perfectly, thanks. Now there's another problem; after I finish posting a table then edit the post and check the source code, the BBcode turns from [tbl] (changed from the default table of Vaultwiki's) back to [table] (the original). It's a bit minor but because [table] is the vBulletin's BBcode, using the mediawiki formatting on [table] just makes it disappear.
Thanks. See: https://www.vaultwiki.org/issues/4479/
- lead developer for VaultWiki