It would be great if the attachments used XenMedia as an option.
It would be great if the attachments used XenMedia as an option.
There is nothing stopping you from using XenMedia as an option when you insert media to wiki content, if you have that add-on too. I'm not really sure what you're suggesting.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
I'm suggesting incorporating an option to use XenMedia for uploading images into pages for for use as the thumbnail. A user could always upload the images to XenMedia first and then copy the URL, but that requires a few extra steps that a normal user might not take, or think to take.
For example, when I tried uploading a thumbnail as an attachment, VaultWiki required me to create a new attachment page. I didn't want an entire page for the attachment, I just wanted to use the image on the existing page. If the add-on integrated with XenMedia, then the new image could be automatically uploaded to an album on XenMedia for storage, but used with VaultWiki. I think that would be an awesome feature.
There are other things you could do with it as well. XenMedia has a lightbox and gallery feature that would be awesome with VaultWiki. Then a user could upload multiple images to a wiki page that would be stored in a gallery.
I think I've explained my suggestion more effectively in this thread:
Sorry, I should not have created a new thread. Could you merge the two?
Here are related suggestions:
The main request is to completely turn off wiki images and to use XFMG pages and images instead.
Upload images from VW to XFMG. Clicking on wiki images should lead to XFMG pages instead of VW image pages.
Yes I agree with those suggestions.