how can i build infoboxes like https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Infobox_Schule
(infobox template for schools) ?
or is it possible to convert mediawiki-code to vw-template-code?
Example: http://geislingen.net/wiki/Michelberg-Gymnasium
how can i build infoboxes like https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Infobox_Schule
(infobox template for schools) ?
or is it possible to convert mediawiki-code to vw-template-code?
Example: http://geislingen.net/wiki/Michelberg-Gymnasium
Most MediaWiki code can be replaced with BB-Code. This page may be helpful: https://www.vaultwiki.org/pages/spec...#templatecodes
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Pegasus, Have you considered using xenforo custom fields for this? IPS4 will have something similar.
This approach will be much easier to use and also allows us to reuse data from infoboxes.
Alfa1, can this work like "infoboxes" ?
As it currently works you will need to use templates. But I think that custom fields would be a user friendlier way for it to work. Its a suggestion for development.
Can you give me an example how you would use it ?
How I envision custom fields for infoboxes, is that the admin creates custom fields in admin, setting the field type and a few other settings. Make the field part of a field group. And set per field group: the area's/categories where the field group is active.
On the front end wiki editors would see the info box with the fields that are active. Then the editors can fill those fields in. This would create standardization of wiki articles.
Once these fields exist we should be able to use parameters/variables to re-use the values in these fields.