So I don't know much about CSS and I'm doing things by trial and error
I've created an Article, looking similar to THIS one, but I have a problem with the text.
I do want them to be on 2 lines, but how can I increase the distance between the lines so the text don't overlap:
This is under Firefox (the bottom line is very close to the top one)
Same in IE and the bottom line is slightly being cut off. Why?
This is the source:
Това ще е основната страница на Wiki-то, където ще има списък с всички Top Level Книги:
[div] class="floatcontainer" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 1100px; font-size: 1.7em; text-align: center" | [comment]
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Преди да дойдем в Обединеното Кралство[/book][/div][comment]
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Работен статут и документи[/book][/div][comment]
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Thank you.