That is the preferred way anyway, so that users can download as soon as they buy (in most cases). An off-site purchase option would likely not be possible to automate, and a somewhat involved purchase verification process would be needed.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
It seems to me that we are nearing a point where it is vital to get user feedback on VB4 Alpha, because the latest (very useful) video displays very concrete design & functionality. User feedback will undoubtedly result in the request or even the need for alterations.
Case in point:
Will we be seeing a public alpha in the near future?
There will be a public Alpha before we finalize things. Unfortunately, as I have mentioned before, since VaultWiki 4 is a rewrite from the ground up, nearly all the changes have to be rolled out in one release. While we can show them off piecemeal in videos, what we aren't showing in videos is stuff that just plain doesn't work yet. If we were to release an alpha in that state, there would be more attention to the stuff that isn't working at all than the new stuff we actually wanted feedback on.
Hence the videos. We want to show that we are making progress towards the final product, but also give an early opportunity to provide feedback on various things before we hit you with everything all at once.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Yes, the videos are good.
But there is an alternate way to get feedback, while the product is partly functional: form an alpha group of power-user customers, and give them sprints with very specific assignments to only review specific features.
We will be having a private-server alpha (our servers for at least the first round), and sprints will start around June 1. I have not yet made an announcement regarding this but maybe I should have. We will be inviting certain users (or they can apply) via PM.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Pleae consider my previous PM or this thread as my application.![]()
I read on some other site that a number of people still think VaultWiki 4 is delayed until now because of vBulletin's new ckEditor. I had mentioned that as a major delay for us last April. vBulletin released their editor in June of last year, and it was stable enough that August to begin doing what we wanted with it.
But that span of 4 months gave us a lot of time to review what we'd done on VaultWiki 4, and we realized that significant portions of what we'd written up until that point could be better. And then we had this question - do we save these changes until an even more future VaultWiki 5, or do we delay again and work them in now? Ultimately we didn't want to hold off on them, because we always want VaultWiki to be the best that we can make it at the time. So we rewrote the abstraction for the entire user interface. And that took some time.
Since the Alpha launched earlier this month, we have been on a rather grueling schedule of fixing things and rolling new things into the Alpha. There was one change we wanted to make since last November, but didn't want to delay again because we knew it would take some time. I forget exactly what the reason was, something about the new creation tools maybe, but we had to take the Alpha offline and made those changes over a span of 5 days.
Granted, a lot of those 5 days was spent fixing data integrity issues upgrading from 3.0.19 to 4.0.0 Alpha 1. There's almost 40 steps in that one version increase, and these steps will recreate your entire wiki from scratch. There's a lot of openings for things to go wrong, and it seems like with every opportunity, things do go wrong. We can't release an upgrade script that does that.
Look at me rambling on. I should get back to rolling out these last few features.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Just do things that need to be done.
I'd rather wait longer and have stable and great wiki than need to constantly report bugs found on my live site's wiki.
While it not great that development is taking so long i think we will be better off if the Wiki is stable. As for importing 3.x version in to 4.x that needs to be 100% if something goes wrong people can have lots of problems.
What are the ETA of VW 4 at the moment Pegasus, when can we expect a beta release so more people can test it.
We will be making an official announcement about that over the next several days.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Thanks for the update Pegasus.
waiting .....
nothing yet?