Is there a way to have multiple tags for an wiki page? For instance, Can the autolink point to "Chapter 18" and other instances of "18 - Chapter title"?
I'm digging through the forum, but haven't seem to found an answer yet.
Is there a way to have multiple tags for an wiki page? For instance, Can the autolink point to "Chapter 18" and other instances of "18 - Chapter title"?
I'm digging through the forum, but haven't seem to found an answer yet.
You would have to create "18 - Chapter title" as a redirect page that points to "Chapter 18". In this case, each can auto-link to "Chapter 18".
If both are present in the same post, I believe only the one that appears first becomes the link. But the redirect scenario is a special case that I haven't encountered in a while, so I'm not sure.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Perfect! I'll start integrating that.