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First, let me apologize to everyone, especially those who've been waiting to purchase VaultWiki or migrate their sites because they've been waiting for VaultWiki 4.
In April, we had to wait for CKeditor (for vBulletin) to be released. CKeditor wasn't released until June. It took until July to get VaultWiki working fully with CKeditor, so we could get back to VW4 development. I'm not sure how many people missed this information when it was going on, but that's where the April date went. However, at that point it was July and everyone usually takes their vacations then. So in the past 5 months, we've had a solid 1 month of development on VW4 itself. Which is, honestly, just terrible.
Customers aren't happy, and our owners aren't happy. We're now behind schedule on a lot of things at the company because of these delays. But there is an end in sight. The tracker for Alpha 1 is pushing 90%, and my personal task list for the release has been reduced to about the size of one sticky note. With the exception of 1 or 2 items, we've finished pretty much all the front-end stuff now. Just need to convert plugins and templates to the new code format, and do a round of basic testing.
We really want to get this out before the 1 year mark since development began, which is less than 20 days from now. I don't see why we shouldn't be able to achieve this, as long as nobody else takes a vacation before then. However, the tracker target hasn't been adjusted as this isn't "official" word. This is just my impression based on how we're all feeling and where we're at.