Is there a way to annotate a template so that people can look at it and see an explanation and an example of how it will look?
And if there isn't... can you make a way to do that? Sort of a [ no parse ] type bbcode.
Is there a way to annotate a template so that people can look at it and see an explanation and an example of how it will look?
And if there isn't... can you make a way to do that? Sort of a [ no parse ] type bbcode.
[noinclude] contains text that only appears in the template view.
[includeonly] contains text that only appears when the template is used.
Un-enclosed text will appear in both. In the template view, un-enclosed text will not be parsed.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Meant to also ask if those bbcodes could be included in the special page List of Wiki Codes.
Yes, these BB-Codes (along with DIV, SPAN, FORUMINDEX, BOOKINDEX) are currently not documented and they need to be. Both in the Special page list and in the docs on Template usage.
- lead developer for VaultWiki