Is there anyway to put an iframe into a template.
Is there anyway to put an iframe into a template.
You would have to allow HTML in the template forum. In this case, you might want to create a forum for admin-created templates, so untrusted users can't do terrible things to your board.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
How do I do that, I'm not seeing an option to create a new template forum?
Create a sub-forum to your existing template forum. Enable HTML in that forum. But use custom forum permissions.
Only admins:
Can Post New Threads
Can Reply to Others' Threads
Can Post Polls
Can edit wiki articles
Can rename wiki articles
If untrusted users have these permissions, then you will open potential security holes.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
I enabled HTML and still couldn't use the iFrame
Can you please post an example of how you are trying to use it? Also maybe more of a description of what's going wrong that you "couldn't use" it.
If it is simply disappearing, then you may have a mod installed that strips IFRAME tags. I believe the mod "CES Parser Permissions" does this by default, but it can be changed in the settings.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
I finally got it to work. I basically just changed the permissions on the main template forum so only admins and mods could add and edit a post and then enabled HTML for that forum. For the purposes of my site, that works for me.
Hi, how can i use iframes in vaultwiki for xenforo?
Create a wiki area where only admins have posting and editing permissions. You will probably have to customize permissions in that area for every single usergroup.
In the area settings, turn on HTML in pages.
Create a template in that area. Use an iframe in that template. Do not use template parameters for the URL, or for the contents of any script tags you might use.
If you use this technique to make forms, do not use template parameters for the form post URL.
Use that iframe template wherever you need it.
- lead developer for VaultWiki