I'm sad to say this ... but I can't seem to add a Chapter ! and i've read the wiki !
This is what I wanted.
I just want to add a fourth chapter to the DEMO book
I'm sad to say this ... but I can't seem to add a Chapter ! and i've read the wiki !
This is what I wanted.
I just want to add a fourth chapter to the DEMO book
See: http://www.vaultwiki.org/manual/Addi...pters-to-Books
I agree that it would be more intuitive to have an "Add Chapter" button within the Book page itself though. Please post a feature request in the tracker.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
I'd already read that. It's written wrong or something. I'll try to find out what I am not getting my head around. I think you can only add a new chapter by adding a new article and making it a chapter. That's awkward. Sorry I can't pinpoint what is making this so hard for me. It's just not what I expected.
It needs pictures to clarify, but yes, I agree it's awkward. There should be a mechanism similar to the "Add to New Book" option on the Book tab.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
Basic usability issue here.
I am looking at a book.
I click add chapter.
And vaultwiki asks me .. add a chapter to which book ?
Answer: the one I am looking at !
It isn't asking you what book to add the chapter to, it will always be added to the current book. It is asking what sub-forum the chapter will be in.
- lead developer for VaultWiki
If you don't set a forum, then forum permissions can't be used for the article. Since articles are saved as threads, you need forum permissions.
- lead developer for VaultWiki