I think we might be making progress towards completing the import! 
I went to the Import in VaultWiki, and then did the following:
1> imported the data from the original mediaWiki installation (( used mwpt prefix ))
2> provided the URL of the installation
3> provided the folder in the server (( /home/comoesta/... ))
On Step 3, Titled: Importing MediaWiki Data, it threw this:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT page.page_id AS import_page_id, page.page_namespace AS namespaceid,
page.page_title AS title, rev.rev_user AS userid, rev.rev_user_text AS ipaddress,
rev.rev_timestamp AS dateline, txt.old_text AS pagetext, txt.old_flags AS flags,
thread.import_page_id AS isimported,
usr.user_name AS username
FROM page AS page
LEFT JOIN revision AS rev ON (rev.rev_page = page.page_id)
LEFT JOIN text AS txt ON (txt.old_id = rev.rev_text_id)
LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (thread.import_page_id = page.page_id)
LEFT JOIN user AS usr ON (usr.user_id = rev.rev_user)
WHERE page.page_namespace NOT IN (1,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,15)
GROUP BY page.page_id
ORDER BY rev.rev_timestamp
LIMIT 0,50;
MySQL Error : Table 'comoesta_forums.page' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Wednesday, February 3rd 2010 @ 04:25:48 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, February 3rd 2010 @ 04:25:48 PM
Script : http://www.MySite.com/forums/admincp/vaultwiki_setup.php?do=import
Referrer : http://www.MySite.com/forums/admincp/vaultwiki_setup.php?do=import
IP Address :
Username : MyUsername
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.43
Thanks for the help!!