Hi again, been trying to get this to work but not sure how it all fits together.
I dont want to change the look and feel of the help autolink, what I need to find out is the commands to hook into the code. Here is an example.
I have written a CMPS module that greps data from a file, I then use this data to produce the output. If a certain value / condition is true I then want to link this to a Help Wiki entry.
I can manual do the following where I know the autolink span value but was wondering if/how to use a function line bbcode_fetch_tags('error code 1') where "error code 1" is a wiki:help page.
<? foreach ($cf_name as $k => $v)
<td class='bcheader' width='200'><? echo $v; ?> : </td>
<td class='bctext'><? echo trim($cf_status[$k]) != 'Ready' ? '<span id=\"autolink_12_15_1\" ><a href=\'\' class=\'\' style=\'color:red\'>Warning : </a></span>' . $cf_status[$k] : '<span style=\'color:darkgreen\'>'.$cf_status[$k].'</span>'; ?></td>
<?} }?>
I am not a developer at heart and just dabling so forgive me if I am not using the correct wording.
Best Regards