The table code only works in wiki article posts in 2.2.0. To use it in non-wiki posts and forums, you need to install 2.2.1 Patch Level 1.
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The table code only works in wiki article posts in 2.2.0. To use it in non-wiki posts and forums, you need to install 2.2.1 Patch Level 1.
I am a little confused. 2.2.1 is marked unstable, but 2.2.1 pl1 is not marked unstable. Is 2.2.1 pl1 the latest stable release?
If it is I will go ahead and install it on our board. If not, can you tell me when you expect to have a stable 2.2.1 flavor release?
As far as we can tell so far, Patch Level 1 is the stable 2.2.1 release.
Would it be possible to post a list of the elements you parse in the table code?
For example MediaWiki supports style="collapse-border: collapse;" I believe and it does not seem to work with your table code.
cellspacing="0" works, but is not really the same.
I thought that all style attributes were supported. I am experimenting and learning with 2.2.0 right now but will be upgrading to 2.2.1 pl1 this weekend.
It's not working because the CSS attribute you are thinking of is "border-collapse"
Here is a table I have been trying to display on my board.
[Table] width="60%" "header" border="1" style="color:#ff000f; Background-color: white; border-collapse: collapse;"
!First Header
!Second Header
!Third Header
|width="30px" align="right"|14
|width="150px" align="center"| Data
|This is the rest of this row with two fixed width cells at the beginning.
|The cell width should stay the same I believe on following rows.
|Some more text in the expected long cell of the table.
First Header Second Header Third Header 14 Data This is the rest of this row with two fixed width cells at the beginning. 25 Data2 The cell width should stay the same I believe on following rows. 11 data3 Some more text in the expected long cell of the table.
What does it display here? Hmmm... It does not parse here.
On first post it did not parse. It parsed after the edit???
If you posted it by AJAX quick reply I can see why it may not have parsed initially. We have a mod in place that only lets certain users post BB-Code, and in some AJAX situations the permissions are not available. This is not a part of VaultWiki and should have no bearing on whether or not it parses on your board. Please note: a table will only parse in a regular post like above if you are using VaultWiki 2.2.1 Patch level 1 or higher.
When I first installed Vault Wiki I had the wiki buttons and I thought the wiki bb codes active in my regular forums. I have just spent over an hour trying to find the options to turn that behavior on again. I am getting ready to deploy this for my regular users and am struggling with the best form of integration with my existing vBulletin forums.
I wrote a help:wiki article and wanted to post a reference link to it in the facilities discussion.
The options are in AdminCP -> CES VaultWiki -> Wiki Code Manager. Even though the option is there and it will appear in regular forums' editors, you should not turn on some BB-Codes in regular forums. Certain ones will not parse. You can refer to your Special:WikiCodeList for information on what will or will not work outside the wiki.
Do I need to install 2.2.2 to have this special page? It does not show up with 2.2.1 pl1 on my system.
It would really be nice to have a simple map of where things are in the Admin CP relating to Vault Wiki.
It should be on PL1. You may have to give yourself permission to view it.
How do I give myself (or anyone) permission of Special? It is not associated with a forum and I cannot find the permissions area for special pages.
I thought I had it before, but I cannot find it.
I also have set the various edit buttons to display in the forum editor, but none of them appear.
I am really lost on the Admin CP control locations. They seem to be all over the place and non-intuitive, at least to me.
>_< It is under Usergroup Permissions. The section called "Special Page Permissions".