Issue with Attachments
I'm having an issue with attaching images but only in the forums where the wiki is enabled.
See below for a quota in terms of total files that can be uploaded to the forum. This does not seem to be specific to a user or article/thread; but to the entire forum.
Where is this limit set and how can it be changed? On the other forums there are no limits at all (as set in my Admin CP).
The amount that is showing is the limit for the user who created the article, because in vBulletin attachments are saved to the user who started the post.
Aha! Thanks so much as I was completely frustrated after looking for days.
Makes perfect sense now.
I have a problem on permissions:
I want unregistered users browse the wiki, not the list view. This is fine. But I am unable to show images to the unregistered users
You can put a manual pages with the prefered settings for a usergroup for:
wiki editors: editing with limited permissions
normal users: can comment but they can't edit articles
unregistered users: can see the content, not the list view, even the images.
The images from the wiki load fine, the problem is with atachments (i'll modifiy all usages to use only wiki images, but I am interested to know the right settings to solve the problem
In order to see images users need permission to download the images, because technically speaking loading the image in your browser is equivalent to downloading it.
One question about file limits, where I override the limits on filesizes?
AdminCP > Attachments > Attachment Manager (global)
AdminCP > Attachments > Attachment Permissions (override for each usergroup)