Please fix the following features:
- After assigning the namespaces and subforums in the category, I set the display order of the subforums to display alphabetically. That was a waste of time, because the subforums aren't listed in the order that you input in the AdminCP...I think they're ordered by their forumIDs instead. Can you either fix the way they're being ordered to result from the way you order it in AdminCP, or better yet, do it alphabetically? It's easier to manage and keep track of alphabetically...well that's my opinion.
- URLs should reflect the title of the article, as in capitalization. For example, if the type of the article is input as "Statue of Liberty", the URL should have the S and the L capitalized. I realize that the page can be accessed no matter of capitalization, but for wiki's sake, please have URLs displayed and linked to as capitalized, to follow Wikipedia's footsteps.