Upgrading VW on a big board takes very long. Thankfully XF2 has a CLI script. This will save a lot of time. How can we use the CLI upgrader in XF2? The VW manual doesn't describe this.
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Upgrading VW on a big board takes very long. Thankfully XF2 has a CLI script. This will save a lot of time. How can we use the CLI upgrader in XF2? The VW manual doesn't describe this.
Please follow XF2's instructions for upgrading add-ons using CLI. The addon-id is "vw/vw"
Please be advised that CLI upgrades have been known in the past to trash the wiki database. This was due to bugs in XenForo's CLI upgrader -- particularly, when a fatal or database error occurred, it continued the upgrade anyway. They did eventually fix that bug, but not before lowering confidence in CLI. Make sure you are using the latest stable PHP version you can that is supported by all your add-ons (I think the same problem would occur if PHP < 7.1), and always test your CLI upgrade result fully before going live, in case you need to roll back.
If the CLI upgrader has changed significantly over the life of XF 2.x, I cannot guarantee that VaultWiki's implementation of it still works as intended. It is not tested frequently.
I am not sure how much faster CLI upgrading would be over the non-CLI upgrade. I suppose you cut out some overhead and waiting caused by issuing a new HTTP request for each step, whereas the CLI proceeds to the next step in the same command. I'm not sure how much this adds up to in practice. I suppose if you have many versions to go through, or thousands of batches to perform, it could save a minute or two.
Thanks for explaining. Its just that upgrades can take many hours. For example currently I am 4 hours into the upgrade.
None the less, Im not entirely confident about the CLI process now. So I will wait it out.