Most imortant wiki editors are not rewarded nor recognized in trophy system.
XenForo has a very nice trophy system to reward our members for their contributions and to stimulate members into further efforts.
Wiki articles are very valuable contributions and we should certainly rewards and recognize those members who add good content.
Unfortunately Vaultwiki can only measure the number of contributions. Yet, with import and creation of automatic attachment pages this number is very skewed.
It also doesn't account for the fact that the best wiki articles were created with a few edits. (written in Word editor and then posted to VW)
So now my ranking shows my account at the top of the leaderboard with thousands of edits. Followed by the members who edited a mass of articles for spelling corrections and those who added our largest and best articles are at the bottom of the list mixed in with those who barely contributed.
On the Trophy points leaderboard these members who contributed so much are not even listed.
Please consider to address this issue.