VWE-2018-4345 Printable Version

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Common NameNone
Related ReportNone
Exploit DifficultyDifficult
PlatformAffects all platforms supported by the vulnerable versions.
DescriptionDenial of Service. Part of the patch for VWE-2017-4266 was not enforced. However, due to a bug in the previous patch, denial of service is only possible to achieve via theoretical third-party add-ons which fix the bug.
DiscoveredJanuary 26, 2018
ResolvedFebruary 8, 2018
Patches Available4.0.20 Patch Level 3
4.0.19 Patch Level 6
4.0.18 Patch Level 7
4.0.17 Patch Level 9
The versions listed below are known to be affected by this issue. If you are using one of those versions, you should update to a newer release that has no known vulnerabilities.