Fixed in the next release. The fix will also be included in next month's patches, because a user should not be able to generate content that a moderator is unable to remove (what if they post SPAM or other disallowed content in their rating's comment).
In src/addons/vw/vw/_core/view/proxy/rate/vw.php, find:
Fixed the missing add-rating controls in the Rating tab when the page already has an average rating but the user hasn't submitted their own rating yet. In src/addons/vw/vw/_core/model/rating/vw.php, find:
Still wondering about the messed up average after deleting. I'll have to try some fresh tests as I didn't start with a clean average when I did this yesterday.
After above fix patched, I'm able to add more ratings..
Deleting still doesn't actually delete it, and now the page shows an average score and "2 ratings", opening the "2 ratings" then shows there are no ratings..
Deleting still doesn't actually delete it ... then shows there are no ratings
So the rating was actually deleted, the problem is the average and the count used to make the average didn't update as expected.
Yes, this is all in the changelog I posted above.
deleting ratings doesn't update rating count
deleted ratings take an hour to affect averages
I reduced the time from an hour in the next release. Sometimes it will be instant, but sometimes it might still take a minute.
Also, since I foresee it being a question in the future, I will leave it here -- the number of ratings next to the average will not always match the total number of ratings (usually the number shown would be lower than the total ratings). At the page level, the number next to the average is the number that was used to make the average, not all the ratings that were ever made for that page.
Fixed Bug: no link to ratings list if ratingcount is 0 due to age [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: displayed rating count differs from number in ratings list [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: whole attachment ratings list doesn't include edit ratings [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: broken HTML in ratings list [in: vB] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: parent ratings list gives no credit to actual rated content [in: vB] [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: parent ratings list has no links to actual rated content [in: XF] [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: feed rating has no link to ratings list [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: no differentiation between ratings list for feed entry vs whole feed [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: whole feed ratings list inaccessible [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: invalid nodetype error submitting rating for feed entry [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
Fixed Bug: duplicate parameters in feed entry rating URLs [since: 4.1.0 RC 2] [lite: no]
... and that concludes my sweep of rating-related issues.
- New ratings save more reliably
- Average ratings are updated closer to expectations
- Missing ratings lists (such as feed entries) are now accessible
- Possible to access the ratings list for moderation purposes even if the average has become 0
- Clearer indication of total ratings vs ratings used to calculate averages
- Clearer indication whether you are viewing ratings for 1 edit vs all edits, etc
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