Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT IF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,
, article.*, thread.threadid,
commenter.usergroupid AS lastusergroupid,
commenter.membergroupids AS lastmembergroupids,
commenter.homepage AS lasthomepage, AS lastemail,
IF(commenter.displaygroupid > 0, commenter.displaygroupid, commenter.usergroupid) AS lastdisplaygroupid,
protected.options AS protection
FROM thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN vault_article AS article ON (thread.threadid = article.threadid)
LEFT JOIN user AS commenter ON (article.lastposterid = commenter.userid)
LEFT JOIN vault_protect AS protected ON (protected.targetid = 0)
WHERE thread.threadid = 19496;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'protected.targetid' in 'on clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Sunday, June 7th 2009 @ 08:28:38 AM
Error Date : Sunday, June 7th 2009 @ 08:28:38 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
If you don't get it while visiting articles now (should happen for every article), it's possible someone had visited one during the upgrade, before the database changes were made. In that case, the error can be ignored.
If you don't get it while visiting articles now (should happen for every article), it's possible someone had visited one during the upgrade, before the database changes were made. In that case, the error can be ignored.
That is a possibility. I did NOT turn the site off while performing the upgrade, and I have not gotten another one since.
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