Prior to XenForo 2.1, XenForo did not have a TABLE BB-Code. If you had VaultWiki installed under XenForo 1.x or 2.0 originally, which you did, then the only TABLE BB-Code your users were using was the one provided by VaultWiki. By default, it was available both inside and outside the wiki, which is typical for custom BB-Codes in general.
Even though XenForo 2.1 now provides its own TABLE BB-Code, the previous (VW) TABLE BB-Code you were already using is set to override it. This is to protect your existing content which uses the VW code. If you were to stop overriding the XF2.1 one (which you can easily do in the BB-Code's settings), then your existing content will need to be updated in some way or those tables will no longer render.
If you completely migrate to the XF2.1 BB-Code and disable the VW one, then you need to completely reformat all of your existing tables. This is not recommended due to it being time consuming and error prone.
If you rename the VW one to have a different tag name, then you need to edit all existing tables to use the new tag name. This is the preferred option. In wiki pages, AdminCP > Maintenance > Mass Management Tools would facilitate this. For other content types, such as normal posts, you would need to concoct different methods.