in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given
Import from VW3 to 4.0.8b1
Step 20
Importing edits to wiki pages
in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given
in_array() in vault/core/controller/import/handle/vw3/revision/vw.php at line 227
vw_Import_Handle_VW3_Revision_Controller->add_edit() in vault/core/controller/import/handle/vw3/revision/vw.php at line 203
vw_Import_Handle_VW3_Revision_Controller->do_edit() in vault/core/controller/import/handle/vw3/revision/vw.php at line 140
vw_Import_Handle_VW3_Revision_Controller->do_edits() in vault/core/controller/import/steps/vw3/vw.php at line 440
{closure}() in vault/core/controller/progress/vw.php at line 100
vw_Progress_Controller->call() in vault/core/controller/cp/impex/vw.php at line 114
vw_CP_ImpEx_Controller->import() in vault/core/controller/cp/impex/vw.php at line 35
vw_CP_ImpEx_Controller->execute() in vault/helper/vb/global.php at line 64
require_once() in admincp/wiki_cp.php at line 24
In order for this error to occur, the following conditions must be true:
You must have already done a previous import from the same source database, AND
You have not modified the import config file since that import, AND
You deleted the previously imported data from the target database, AND
You did not delete the importer logs from the previous import
Correct. Should I have modified the import file?
Where do I delete the import logs? In the DB or somewhere in VW?
I assume that the previously imported data was deleted by uninstalling VW4.
Originally Posted by pegasus
By any chance did you manually remove data from any tables between import attempts? If so, which tables?
I did not remove anything from the DB. But the uninstaller may have done so.
So what do I do now? Uninstall again and remove the logs, then import again?
Fixed. The uninstall process was not executing a block of code that removed non-Lite-version tables. The behavior was consistent in both vBulletin and XenForo. Additionally, temporary tables were not removed if the forum used a table prefix.
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