I'm trying to add a class to my table headers, but the class is not outputting in the final html.
This is my code:
[table]border="1" class="vw-sort-table"
| class="tcat" | Merit
| class="tcat" | Cost
| class="tcat" | Prerequisite
| class="tcat" | Description
| Ambidextrous
| -2
| A character who is ambidextrous is equally as skilled with their left and right hands. This can come into play in a variety of skills, but they have no trouble switching from one hand to the other.
| Echolocation
| -4
| Race: Shadra
| A Shadra has fine-tuned their spatial awareness abilities and are capable of echolocation -- using sound to create an image of their surroundings. This extends beyond what a Shadra can normally see.
| Extra-Large Horns
| -2
| Race: Shadra
| The Shadra has extra large horns compared to most of their kind. This, however, enhances the Shadra's hearing and their spatial awareness to roughly double that of a Shadra with normal-sized horns. A Shadra who also has the Echolocation merit will find that ability enhanced as well.
I've also tried the table code example I copied from special:wikicodelist and the class doesn't show up on that one either.
[table] border="1"
| class="tcat" colspan="2" | Example Header
| style="font-style: italic" | Example Data 1
| Example Data 2
Class names must be white-listed to prevent users from creating strange behaviors. There is no "tcat" in XenForo, so it is not on the white-list.
The following non-wiki class names are on the XenForo white-list:
I suppose the bug here is that "tcat" is used in the FAQ when "tcat" does not exist in XenForo.
For now, modify the list in vault/core/model/parser/handle/clean/xf.php. Keep a backup of your updated list when upgrading. We have to add a setting to do this.
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