I think this suggestion is really important and relevant, but I need to add information about the why and how:
The XenForo Resource Manger is an official XenForo addon. Most sites that use it, do so for documents and files.
Please have a quick look at the XFRM at my site, which you can find under studies. This is where we host 9k scientific studies about the very topics that we have wiki articles about. These studies are the references for our wiki articles. It is in fact the case that when members write a wiki they should be aware of the existing studies, because the conclusions of those studies are suited to be included in our wiki articles.
Displaying a 'Related Studies' or 'Related Resources' widget would be highly relevant and an upgrade of the wiki article.
We also run XenForo Enhanced Search which means that ElasticSearch can be used for such widget.
If the title of a Wiki article exists in a resource category then display the latests X entries from that category. If no such category exists, then check if the title of the wiki article exists in a resource title, and display those resource entries in the widget.
With the above in mind, I think integration with the XFRM in multiple ways would be beneficial.