This is a design flaw in the ToggleMe mod. If you want it to work correctly with VaultWiki sidebar blocks, it will need to be corrected from ToggleMe.
ToggleMe assumes that additional qualifying names in the class attribute for a sidebar block make that sidebar block's class name unique, and does a simple replace on divs with class attribute = X. This may be true and safe for many default-installed XenForo sidebar blocks, but it contradicts semantic usage of the class attribute, which is not meant to specify whether a div is unique. ToggleMe does a good job at handling this when class="section", so I don't know why the methodology was changed when class="section X Y etc". If you are using classes to generate ID attributes, you should always use an incremental counter, and if you are replacing based on non-unique attributes, you should either use offsets to specify the correct one, or you should use preg_replace(..., limit = 1) until all matches are resolved.
Currently you can avoid having [toggles per block = total blocks] by having zero toggles in wiki sidebar blocks. In the settings for ToggleMe, there is one "Default Exclude Widgets". Add "vw-sidebar-block" to this list. vw-sidebar-block is not a unique signifier and is used by VaultWiki blocks with Javascript functionality to determine their root elements.