Implemented disambiguation management in the next release.
On most routable content, you will now have Options > Disambiguate This Page.
This is a form that allows you to find a "Disambiguation Page" or create a new one.
The form requires that you to set a short description and a long description for the current page, to describe how the page is different from others that may be confused with it.
Disambiguation-Pages use a new content-type "Disambiguation". You can disable the whole system by disabling the content-type.
Disambiguation-Pages cannot themselves be disambiguated. You cannot disambiguate synonyms.
When viewing a content that has been disambiguated, there is a banner at the top, specifying that the current page is the one about the [short description], and gives a link to the Disambiguation-Page if the user actually wanted to visit a different variation.
The Disambiguation-Page can have its own text, but doesn't need it. It contains a list of the ambiguous pages and their long descriptions. If there are a lot of ambiguous pages, navigation appears. In the future we will probably add the ability to group entries under headings. In 4.2, we will likely add support to disambiguate non-wiki content, such as forum threads.
Since the list is text-based and can contain a mixture of content-types, it does not support inline moderation. Instead, on the Disambiguation-Page, you may use Options > Manage Disambiguation Entries. This page lets you reorder the entries, or delete them en masse.
Special:DisambiguationPages is an alphabetical list of all Disambiguation-Pages.
Special:MostAmbiguousTerms is a list of Disambiguation-Pages in order from most entries to least entries.
For users to be able to disambiguate, they will need new permissions turned on. Most moderators should automatically gain permission upon upgrade.