Temporary loss of headers' information after upgrade
After upgrade I couldn't see any headers' information, but lackyly it was still there, just had to go to header's forum
I just made upgrade to VW 3.0.16 Build 002 (from 3.0.16 Build 001).
I think that the same situation was before, but I noticed this and well, to report you.
Anyway, after upgrade I could see any header and I had option to start editing new ones (where I new I had headers, with important info too). I tried editing, hoping that would resolve problem and that I would start editing my old header, but it was like header never was. I didn't go through, not to delete old information, which is important.
Than I went directly to header's forum (I had a bit of luck as one header appeared when I started editing wiki article, as my wiki's header has content). Anyway, after I visited that forum by direct link, or maybe after I saw that first header that enabled me to go to header forum, headers become visible.
It was a moment of panic, but as I mentioned, I think that it was like that when I made first upgrade (to VW 3.0.16 Build 001, from 3.0.11 Build 002). I think that there are some problems with upgrade routine, it somehow temporary looses information about headers. There's no really loss of information, at least not fatal one, but it certainly made my hart stop for the moment when headers wasn't there.
I'll put in priority data loss, as there was some data lost after upgrade, but it isn't fatal data loss, at least not irreparable one.