I'm not sure what you are arguing over now since I actually agreed with you in my last post. You have picked apart a quote from the License that supports your claim, as if you actually don't want it to be true that you are right...
In fact, when you purchased, you did NOT purchase any specific VERSION of VaultWiki -- you purchased a VaultWiki License, which says what I have quoted.
If you are new with vBulletin since vBulletin 4, this is probably the source of that confusion where you think you're buying a particular version, but vBulletin 3 wasn't like that. vBulletin 4's license says that it expires with vBulletin 5, rather than after a year. Almost no one liked that (not vocally anyway), so we did NOT make a similar change to our license.
vBulletin is also not an example against removing versions. In every case, they removed the versions that were affected by a security issue (like we do), and you could only download the patched version. In some cases, a version was removed and they didn't provide a patch for several days (I believe 4.1.1 was like this).
The difference because VaultWiki and vBulletin, and I did not know this before until I checked personally yesterday, is that vBulletin actually patched ALL previous versions of their software that were affected, so that users were not forced to upgrade, EXCEPT for a special case.
That case is that vBulletin, as other mod software like vBSEO, has EOL (End of Life) clauses in its agreement, where they no longer update old versions even for security issues, if the old version was released a very long time ago.
These are not points that can be argued, as they are universally true across software products, and they are an accepted standard.
However, as I mentioned above when I posted in your defense and you seem to have missed the point:
VaultWiki has failed to meet some of those standards by ONLY patching the most recent version. If we are going to remove older versions, we have to at least provide a patch for those versions to replace them, provided the version in question is not already EOL.
I said yesterday we are going to do this, and it was a question of waiting until we were able to make the code changes on our site needed to do this, because our download system wasn't designed with the ability to branch old versions.