Core updated to PHP 5. This was a bit annoying, but the code itself is quite elegant now. The implementation of MVC had to be loose in certain situations - e.g. for the database class, it would be simpler for developers to call only model('DB'), rather than having to remember which methods are actually in controller('DB').
While I see the benefits of the MVC architecture for most coding projects, I still am not sure why it is being so widely adopted for PHP software. The problem with MVC is that separating what would have been 1 class into 3 files has the effect of multiplying the number of files by 3. While this is fine for compiled software, PHP scripts do not compile before runtime unless you have additional software installed, which many shared hosts do not allow. This means that the hard disk latency will have 3x more of a slowing effect than a non-MVC application, which is in turn 3x more likely to be noticeable in the user experience for larger applications (like VaultWiki, or an entire forum).