Can't add attachments to Articles
If the administrator has set a "Time Limit on Editing of Posts" then you can't add attachments after that time limit.
Per summary, if a time limit is set on editing posts then you can't 'manage attachments' on an article once that time limit has expired.
Add all attachments to the article within the allotted time frame or remove the time limit on post editing.
The two workaround really aren't feasible for our use case. We are using the wiki for knowledge transfer and to hold our projects which include schematics, path files, etc. Projects often start off as WIPs and eventually grow into full projects but. Throughout the WIP process, users must be able to manage attachments as schematics will change, new path files will be created, etc.
Also, as the edit time limit is a global setting in vB (AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Time Limit on Editing of Posts), you can't remove this time limit without also removing the time limit on your forum posts.