VW4 will have reputation functionality for specific wiki edits. However, I am not sure that this is the most effective approach because I doubt that enough people will review specific edits and rate those. It's much more likely that users would rate an article. Therefore it makes sense to me to have a wiki page quality rating scale that affects the contributors. Please see this suggestion:
The benefit of this is that the page completeness can also be rated. The more complete and the higher the quality of a page, the larger the impact of page contributors should be. I have some ideas about this.
Basically it boils down to attributing a reputation value to the completeness of the page and then allocating it to the contributors.
Here is an example of the basic idea:
If the page is rated 'good complete article' attribute for example 50 reputation points.
If the page has 6 authors, divide the 50 points according to the % contributed.
The points are an example of the general gist.
Once the article evolves from Good to Great, the authors will have their points recalculated as there are more points to divide and possibly more authors to divide it between.