vbSEO's feature forum category links won't work with VaultWiki
Since using VaultWiki my direct forum category links get appended with ?redirect=no, causing the links to stop working.
Direct forum category links are a feature of vbSEO, where the forum category links are no true links, but anchor links (example.com/forum/forumcategory -> example.com/forum/#forumcategory). With VaultWiki the latter becomes example.com/forum/#forumcategory?redirect=no, which in effect disables the anchors
Sorry, I missed that. Tried searching for redirect, but did not find any suitable threads or project discussions. Glad it's going to be fixed in the next build.
As always, your prompt fixes are really appreciated. You had me looking for a moment, as your fix was already in my vault/special_plugins.php, until I realised by looking at the file timestamp you already fixed it on my install Thanks for the excellent support. RC3 is going to be virtually bug free
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