First Post
, April 12, 2009 at 4:17 PM (10194 Views)
Well, this is my first post on this blog. Allow me to reminisce about my other famous first posts.
I think my first post on the original YDC forum, back in February 2004, went something along the lines of:
Unfortunately, that post can no longer be found because the site was lost and had to be remade. I did not get to make the first post on the second YDC forum because Ryou (present-day Sinhart) got there first.Originally Posted by Niki Moto
On the Cracked Egg Studios forum, on June 7, 2005 at 6:45 PM, my first post was again the first post on the forum:
It seems I was so excited to post and so eager to be the first that I neglected to proofread. Or perhaps I did it on purpose to be ironic? Or as a parody? That does seem like my kind of humor.
And now here I am, starting my CES blog. I would have started earlier, but I'm just so busy at college with all my classes, extracurriculars, and other ambitions.
For those of you who don't know who I am, I am NickyPhils (some call me Nick for short). I am Pegasus's younger brother and have been actively involved at CES since its early years, whether as actor, writer, or another production position. I am also the keeper of the Free United Club of Kids archives, and the go-to guy on FUCKing history. I have a good memory, as does Pegasus, so we often debate the facts of CES history and make obscure references to the pop culture and events of our childhood.
I am currently visiting at home for Easter. I'm glad to see CES has been getting some more traffic. Most of it seems to be VaultWiki customers. I use VaultWiki, since I write articles for both The Vault and FUCKipedia. It would be nice if we got more traffic for our CES-proper content: our videos and such. How can we do this? More word-of-mouth advertising? I think I even suggested to Pegasus putting a randomly-loaded CES video on the VaultWiki sales pages. We also discussed the addition of ads to monetize things, but I think we should focus on content some more for now.