The Universe
, February 14, 2009 at 2:59 AM (5052 Views)
So I spent a majority of today working on the broken images. In between, however, I sent some shirt designs to a designer friend of mine, and hopefully I will get some sketches back soon, since we should be aiming for a little ahead of season.
And apparently while I was out cultivating this relationship, I received an email at my new (I think hidden) email address. Either someone read my blog last night very closely, or the universe answered my cry, but NYU, which I graduated from just a few months ago, basically told me I should advertise some internship positions for their students.
I had been toiling over this idea for a good 6 months now, and I wasn't quite sure how I could hire interns who might receive college credit. I must say it felt great to get an email not only seemingly responding to some of my recent thoughts, but to have my company sort of affirmed worthy of having an internship program. If it wasn't just a coincidence, to have someone with some status at NYU checking this site frequently enough to know that sending me an email like this might have some effect.
But if it is a coincidence and/or NYU has sent such emails to all their graduates just hoping they have their own companies that might hire interns, then my feelings of (humble, as this is by no means a multi-billion dollar corporation) accomplishment has no basis. Luckily, I don't know that as of this writing.